7 Health Benefits of Coffee

7 Health Benefits of Coffee – Facts About Coffee You Probably Didn’t Know

Everytime I drink a daily cup of coffee, I wonder if it’s good for me or bad for me. 

What sort of beneficial effects does coffee have? 

Sometimes deciding if coffee is good for you or not depends on your condition. If you’re not sure, always check with a doctor. 

For instance, some people have a bad reaction to caffeine, so maybe they should stick to decaffeinated coffee. 

Some people drink 8 cups a day, well that’s obviously not good for you. 

Everything in moderation is what they say.  

Check out this video that I found on Youtube about coffee facts.  There are some really interesting coffee facts that I didn’t know and you likely don’t either. 

 This video is by Bright Side and includes some really great reasons to drink coffee, including stress and headache relief.

This post isn’t intended to tell you if you should drink more coffee.  It depends on what you put in your coffee (lots of sugar can increase your blood sugar), and the state of your current health. 

Check it out and let me know what you think.


1. Coffee Boost Brain Power

According to the video, coffee with sugar can make you a genius!  Caffeine is a mild stimulant that releases adrenaline when you drink it.  This makes heartbeat increase, blood pressure rise, breathing tubes open up and sugar is released into your blood stream. 

This can help you with attention and concentration, making you a genius for a short time.  But don’t sign up for the Mensa just yet, it won’t last forever!

This study from Healthline suggests a those who drink coffee may be less likely to develop parkinson’s disease.  There’s also this study that suggests those who drink more coffee are less likely to get Alzheimer’s disease. 

2. Coffee Increases Blood Pressure

Coffee increases blood pressure, so if you have high blood pressure, you may want to talk to your doctor before drinking too much of it.  

On the other hand, if you have hypotension or low blood pressure – coffee can help by raising blood pressure. 

There have been studies that suggest there may be a link between more coffee intake and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (risk of heart disease).  This is such good news!

3. Makes Immune System Stronger

In this video, they talk about how scientists say coffee decreases risks of premature death, can prevent cancer (like prostate cancer), improve the liver, heart, and digestive system. 

They also say that research suggests that coffee can have preventative effects for people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. 

My husband’s grandfather suffers from Parkinson’s disease, so I find this particularly interesting. 

Now that’s a good reason to have a comforting cup of joe. 

4. Coffee Can Relieve Headaches

I’ve heard this before and I’ve actually tried it.  It does work!

Caffeine can cure the effects of a headache. Caffeine increases the effects of some medications, and how quick it works, that’s why you sometimes see this listed as an ingredient in pain medications. 

5. Coffee Reduces Stress

I’m not surprised by this one at all.  Coffee releases dopamine and serotonin.  Even just the smell of coffee can calm your nerves. I can attest to this. Every time I smell coffee it’s like smelling comfort and I relax a little bit.  

Research shows that 2 to 4 cups of coffee per day can reduce risk of suicide in men and women alike by around 50%. 

The interesting part about this is that only caffeine contained in coffee has this effect.  

6. Coffee Improves Memory

Oh man, my memory is terrible, so finding out that caffeine improves cognitive function made me go WOO!!! 

Coffee enhances alertness and memory.  It boosts mood, energy and productivity, but only in short-term memory.   

I’m going to pause writing this and go get myself a coffee right now since it can help you learn and remember.  

7. Coffee Helps You Lose Weight

Coffee can help you keep off weight by suppressing your appetite.  Since I can’t eat gluten anymore, I learned this fact on my own by grabbing a cup of coffee on the go when I’m hungry, since it’s so hard to find places to eat a real meal. 

Coffee boosts energy levels for exercise, helping you with the intensity of your exercise. The more muscle you build, the lower body fat you’ll have since muscle burns more calories than fat, even when at rest.  

It’s best if you have black coffee for weight loss since it’s very low in calories, but black coffee can be hard on your stomach. 

Bonus: Coffee Cocktail

Make sure you watch the end of the video for a coffee cocktail that looks oh so delicious.

I would recommend cold brewing your coffee instead of making it and letting it cool like the video suggests.  It’s so much more delicious when it’s cold-brewed. 



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